Friday, September 14, 2007

For Chocolate Lovers Only

Photo-realistic illustration is the "way to go" when it comes to marketing food items; and Anthem Worldwide knows "where to go" for illustrators skilled in the art of creating simulation so real one can almost "taste and feel". Smooth, creamy, delectable doesn't get much better; nor does it get much more tempting than when illustrated by Velocity's graphic artists. With packaging designed to entice, Safeway's Select Chocolate looks as divine as it tastes!

1 comment:

Biff Hendershot said...

What day are you passing out your free samples? I love chocolate. Chocolate...Chocolate...Chocolate.

I eat between 3 and 30 bars a day. Here's a easy recipe for a home made snickers bar.

Take one Milky Way bar. Unwrap. Smash some peanuts on top. Pick up and enjoy...unless you are alergic to peanuts in which case I'' treat you to a Zagnut from the emergency room vending machine